Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I no loinger go to the school I went to that I used this blog for but I amstill goingto blog!! I still do not know what to blog but I will think of something soon!!! I might just end up writting all my journal entrys on to here!!!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
LOF resolution
College is something I want to do and I have no clue how I will afford it but it will be done. I feel that with the learning experiences I have had here at the IKE box I will do great in college and will go far in my life. Last year I would have never thought I would get through high school, but now I know I will and get far in life.
LOF Self
Through this process, I learned that I can deal with my anger in a more humane way. I also learned that even if I look different then the others in the class I am the only Kelsey Kerns. No one in the world can be me only I can be me. Thinking about this has helped me a lot because I am still learning that I can change for the good or the bad, but I am hoping for the good, and no one will ever be able to take that away from me. I have great grades now and in a bigger classroom I was getting horrid grades a college would not take a second look at me. While being a part of Fresh Start @ the IKE I now can get into any college I want to I hope. I have Ryan to thank for that!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
As I have been here at the IKE box I have met many weird and interesting people. I have had good times and bad times. In the book Lord Of The Flies Ralph and Jack don't always agree. I mention this because a lot of the class and I have lots of different views on things. One thing I can remember was when my friend Angel and I got in a big fight and hated each other for a while until we sat down and talked everything over and became friends again.
For about a week I was not here because of all the drama of the class and so I did not come to class. After I got back I found out that they were still being rude to me and so I stood up in front of everyone just as Ralph did to Jack and told the class how I felt. After a while I learned that no matter where I go people are going to be crude and talk crap to me ad I have to learn how to deal with that in a little better way.
For about a week I was not here because of all the drama of the class and so I did not come to class. After I got back I found out that they were still being rude to me and so I stood up in front of everyone just as Ralph did to Jack and told the class how I felt. After a while I learned that no matter where I go people are going to be crude and talk crap to me ad I have to learn how to deal with that in a little better way.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
LOF Plain Crash
On Monday September 24th, 2006 I was fully enrolled into Roberts High School. I was there for about a month until I heard about Fresh Start At The IKE box. Miranda Gindlesburger stuck up for me in my class at Roberts when things turned a muck. Needless to say I ended up in Ryan's class. throughout my experience here I have had to deal with people not liking me making fun of me and at times I feel I have crash landed from one crash landing to another... I have gone through things with other students but we always seem to make it up until something else comes up.
Monday, May 5, 2008
A Threatened species

The Loggerhead sea turtle is the turtle you would see in Finding nemo. The scientific name is Caretta Caretta. The loggerhead Sea Turtles is not endangered yet, but it is threatened species. Loggerhead Sea Turtles were hunted a lot for their meat , eggs, along with their fat which was once used in cosmetics and medication. They were also killed for their shells, which are used to make combs and other merchandice. They are now internationally protected. They are now caught a lot because of shrimp and crab nets. In 1947 there was 42,000 mating females, and now thee is fewer then 1,500 mating females. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle lives in the ocean and are in every sea. The Mediterranean, in Texas Florida, Australia, and every other Ocean. Now just because they are in every ocean does not mean there are a lot they still need to be helped so do what you can to help...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
This blog is quite difficult. I am trying to think of a medafore. for the IKE box one could be an island, because we are not realy at robertws and away on our own and not having to be included with everyone. I will finishh this later I have to take a test...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My most fearful memory would have happened on Friday July 13Th 2007. On that day I went riding my ATV and when I was about to make a turn and my steering will not go and I went to jump off and my foot got stuck. I fell and went under my ATV and got ran over. When I got up my dad thought I peed my pants and had a few cuts and bruises. Well he was wrong I was impaled by the foot peg and was literally an inch away from death. If the foot peg went in an inch deeper it would have hit my main artery in my leg and I would have bled out in two min. Well my dad went down the hill to his truck and when he got me and we started going back down the hill he slashed his tires. So he took the back roads on his dirt bike with me on the back all the way to my grandmas house so she could take me to the hospital. Then he went back to get my brother and sister. the most vivid thing I could remember was when my dad said it looked like someone turned on a faucet on my leg and all that was coming out was blood. Well I got to the hospital at 6:30 that night and got out at 2:38 on Tuesday Afternoon. The doctors said it would take 6-7 months to fully heal. But I got lucky and was fully healed in 3 and 1/2 months..... So I think you might be able to see how that was a fear, a fear of death. I am also afraid of spiders and snakes.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Well I do know something that happenes in the story. I know that Simon faints and then when he is wobbling back to the rest of the people he is mistaken for the beast and is murdered. and then Piggy is hit in the head with a rock by ralph.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Tree Benefits

Trees benefit us in many ways. Some trees can help cure diseases, produce food for animals, and even work for culinary purposes. Planting your own trees help soak up CO2 in the environment.
Air pollution in our cities, and even our suburbs, is a serious concern as we enter the twenty first century. The burning of fossil fuels has introduced a steady flow of deadly pollutants into our atmosphere, yet very few urban areas can meet national clean air standards. Luckily, we are surrounded by efficient air cleaning machines—trees. Trees sequester many pollutants from the atmosphere, including nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter of ten microns or less (PM10). So as you see trees help in many ways. The Pacific Yew tree even helps cure ovarian cancer,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I am not sure what the beast may be, but I still feel that they are the beast. Piggy gets teased a lot so I "feel" Piggy is going to be killed by Jack, then Ralph is going to kill Jack.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I feel they are the beast because they are invading the island. Just like if I was to go to another country I would feel like and outsider or "beast".
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I am not so sure what the quote means. I am not following with this book all that much, because I can't concentrate when people are just reading to me. Ralph has more "power" in my mind from what I have been able to comprehend. I say this because I feel he has the power to control people and not be rude about it. I also think that jack's last name should Donkey.
Monday, April 7, 2008
A Night With Chris Gardner

Chris Gardner talked about his dream and what he did to achieve it. When I grow up I want to be a chef I have wanted to do sense I was about six years old. ever sense that I have trained, taken classes upon classes, and even worked t a camp cooking for over two thousand people three times a day for a week. In order to achieve this I need to keep my head in the game, every day think to myself I know I can I know I can, and not give up. I think that a characteristic to help achieve a dream is consistency, perseverance, and wanting. I say this because in order to achieve the goal in mind you need to stick with that goal and never tell your self that you can not do something, or let others tell you that you can not achieve something. I was so upset that I was not able to stay throughout the whole presentation, but I liked the fact that I had the opportunity to go for the little time I was there.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Strange Things Have Happened

So i have a friend and her name is Sylvie Tarpinian. She was 2007's Miss. Marion-Polk County. I never thought I would be friends with a preppy go giddy person. I mean me? I am not all that good looking and she is this beautiful person I have never met anyone as gorgeous as her. I started to talk to her and I learned that we have a lot in common, and now she is one of my best friends. The two above pictures are of me, and Sylvie.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Being Alone

I find that being alone for me can be a good or bad thing. Last year I attempted to kill myself because I was tired of being all alone. When I say this I mean it in the sense of I am not a size two model and I felt like I would be alone for the rest of my life. Being alone is a little different now I realise now that I do not need someone to tell me I am beautiful. What I am getting at is being alone for me now is a better thing because I just think, but there have been times I burn myself when I am alone if I am having a bad day.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Is That Mold?? Or Dew??

Mold is formed up of mold spores, and mold spores can be found living on almost every surface in a building. Now as long as they do not become airborne then we should have no problem. Mold should not form in a building unless there is a moisture problem. If I were you reading thins I would get the moisture content in your house or apartment so you don not get mold. Believe it or not you can be allergic to mold. My dear old neighbor was allergic to the mold in her house and died a few years ago from it. Now for all those who have wondered about the dew in the morning well here is the answer. "Water will condense into droplets depending on the temperature. The temperature at which droplets can form is called the Dew Point. When surface temperature drops, eventually reaching the dew point, atmospheric water vapor condenses to form small droplets on the surface. This process distinguishes dew from those hydrometers (meteorological occurrences of water) which are formed directly in air cooling to its dew point (typically around condensation nuclei) such as fog or clouds. The thermodynamic principles of formation, however, are virtually the same".
Thursday, March 13, 2008

The list below will be eleven acts of vandalism and I will list them in order from worst to not so worst. Now don't get me wrong vandalism is bad and should not go UN-treated. I chose to put them in this order because I admit I have done some of these. The are at the bottom not the too because even though they are not that major they still are vandalism.
1. I would say that setting a school on fire would be the most harmful because you are endangering the lives of thousands of people depending on how big the school is and who wants to hurt children?? or anyone????
2. Putting a stone on a railroad track is a tie between first and second because you are still endangering the lives of people.
3. Damaging a phone box could be bad in the case that if there is an accident and you are out of cell range then it could be a long time until you can get saved.
4. Breaking glass at a bus shelter and damaging the seats on a bus are the same for me because you are damaging things that belong to the same company.
5. Graffiti is a huge epidemic but the only thing I see wrong with it is that it makes a building look tacky.
6. Throwing eggs at a car/house and breaking a street light are also in the same category for me because they are just stupid and people can break a street light with an egg.
7. Again a group one would be littering and breaking a park bench because you find garbage in a park.
8. Last but not least I would say that putting soap in a fountain is the least dangerous because I feel it is just stupid, but I have done it so I can't say that I have not.
Those are my rants and raves on the topic so I agree vandalism is stupid, but everyone does it at some point in there life.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I feel that destruction is caused by stupid people pissing me off or other people. I feel it draws people in because it is so fun to watch and to join in on. Destruction can be more than just breaking something, but someone. what I mean by this is that you can destroy someone by telling them there fat, ugly, stupid anything to make a person get mad. So besides the fact that destruction and fight is fun to watch and join in on, it is also a great way to relive anger as long as it is like on a pillow, brick wall, the ground,etc... Now I know it may look like I am contradicting myself on this topic, but I am not.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A World With No Rules

I would love a world with nor rules to an extent. I say this because I would love to be able to drive now and not have to wait until I am 18. I am able to get my license now but my moms incurence would go up, so without rules there would be no inceurense therefore license for me. But I would also hate it because after a while it would justget boring and lame.....
Monday, March 10, 2008
If Children Ruled The World

Well as most people might think the world would be horrid, I feel that it could be okay. I say this because not every person is a bad person, but there is always a bad person. In my oppinion Bush is a child at heart as for most of us and he is able to rule the world. So why can't a real kid??? I would say the only bad aprt about it would be the children going off to war. That is what the picture is a child dressed as a man in war.
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Summary: Viruses are non-living particles around half to maybe a hundredth the size of the smallest bacteria partical. Its disease causing, a protein-based particle that includes DNA or RNA code in it's insides.
A virus is unable to reproduce outside a host cell. They are often named for the disease in which they cause. They are considered non-living mainly because they do not fit the criteria to have the definition life. But the subject whether they are really living or non living organisms is often argued.
Reproduction: A single virus particle lacks needed components that cells need to reproduce. Viruses cannot express their genes or reproduce unless they have the help of a living cell. As soon as a virus has infected a cell it will controll the cells ribosomes, enzymes and much of
the cellular machinery to help it reproduce.
Influenza: This is a horrible virus that can in the end of not cared for can kill you. Influenza is commonly called the flu and is a RNA virus. To get an idea of how many people the flue kills well... Flu spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics, killing millions of people. Wow that is a lot. Some ways to prevent getting the flu include, frequent hand washing, and even using those seat protecters in a public bathroom. You can also refrain from giving any one the virus by covering your cough, but in doing so along with your sneezes use you sleeve not your hands, if you are needed in work then use one of those maskes you can get from the doctor, and last but not least use the meds you are givin by your doctor as well. It is a know fact that is you use antibiotics when you do not need them then they will not work when you do need them.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
McKinley Reflection

I went on a Field trip with my class to film the third graders as the performed the commercials the wrote. I had a great time the first day mainly because the kids were so much fun to talk to and easy to interact with. My group from that day were filming a race and were advertising a pair of shoes that they thought made him super fast. The first half of the second day was great. The kids went into a show store and wanted the new pair of shoes but they were to expensive. But little did they know there was the same type of shoe made by a different company that was a lot cheaper so the costumers bought those ones. The reason I said the first half was because I did not get to finish the second half because it was really cold out side and I did not have a coat. Now when I went inside I got to have a student read to me and that was a lot of fun. Well if your smart enough to catch on you will realize that the whole two days of filming we were filming commercials about shoes and I loved that because i love shoes.
If Animals Could Talk

Well animals have there own way of communicating, but what if they spoke English. That would be amazing. I would talk to a penguin because that is my favorite animal. I would ask one what there name was first. Then I would get into what they like to do in there spare time and if I could join them. I have no clue why they are my favorite animals, but the are just so cute. I am not sure where I am going with this but Penguins are my favorite animals and if it was possible I would marry a penguin But that would be weird.....( And no I do not believe in beastiality).
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Space Living

I love the cartoon the Jetsons. Even though it took place in the feature not in space I feel we would live like them in space. The thing I loved about them was the way there family worked together. I want a robot and in space i could have one. We would all have hover crafts and everything would be at the touch of a button. Yea for me no more cooking...!!! We would all l ive in big houses that is to big to think of. Money would not be a big deal. Everone would be nice to everyone. no matter what. That is what I think space would be like if we lived there. JUST LIKE THE JETSONS!!!!!!!!! I think I would mainly want the space animals like Astro. I was not able to get the song yet but I do have the lyrics below for now.
Meet George Jetson.
His Boy Elroy.
Daughter Judy.
Jane his wife.
Monday, March 3, 2008
The Best Advice Given To Me So Far

So I just found out that the guy I grew up calling dad is not my biological father. The advice that I got out if this is that I should let my biological father into my life. Because the only reason he is not in my life is because he did drugs s my mom left him. So I am going to take the advice and I am going to meet him sometime this week, But I guess that the main phrase of this would be, "Don't shut someone out of your life until you know there side if the story. The picture above is my biological father.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Rites Of Passage

I have been through two that I can think of. When I turned thirteen I was not longer a tween but a teen. That experience was not the best for me because I was grounded. But I do remember when I turned 16 and was able to get my license. I was not able to but I still remember being able to be the age to drive legally. I am looking forward to being eighteen because I Can move out. I should be done with school by then and and on my way to college. I am also looking forward to turning 21 so I can sing karaoke in the bar baby......
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Imperiallism Have We Gone To Far

I feel we have gone to far with this whole This land is our land not your land. With that I think of the song This Land Is Your Land. for those who do not know it, it goes... This land is our land, This land is your land, From California to the New York Islands... If our land was theres also then I feel there would be no wars. So with that I fell we should back off a lot!!!! Now I am not saying to like give Alaska back to Russia, but we should try to not get involved and try taing things away from other people and just share.....
Monday, February 25, 2008
When I Die!!!!!

When I die I want to be remembered for all the great things I accomplished. The main one I want to accomplished is school. I am planing on going to two schools. I want to have completed running my own strand of diners called Maria's Place. I named it Maria's Place after my great grandma. now what I am about to say is not something I want to be remembered by, but what I want my funeral to be like. Now this is going to sound gross. I want my limbs to be cut off and cremated, half of the ashes to be given to my family, and the other to be dumped into the ocean so I Can travel as I am dead, And the rest of me to be an open casket funeral. I want to be remembered by all the good things in my life not the hard times. Last but not last after my funeral I want everyone to have a huge party in my Honor!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Censcorship when is it okay?

I feel it is a good thing at times. I understand that they cecncor things on tv lilke the "F" word but that is so kids won't hear it. My saying on that is if your kids are watching shows that they have to cencor language then they are to young to be watching those shows. I do agree with things like parental control where shows are blocked so kids can't see tem without a code. If all parents do that then I feel censorship should end. And like with myspace and sites like that itis only a bad site if you are stupid about it. I feel that if myspace, facebook, and other sited like that were unblocked more people will show up for school. Like I said I feel it is only a bad site if people abuse it.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Teens And Parental Consent For Abortion

Well as most of you know I am against abortion but that is not what this blog is about. This blog is about if a teen who is getting abortion should need to have parental consent. I feel they should but the should not. what I ean byt thi s if your family does drugs and will kill you for having get pregnant then they should not have to know. But if your family is loving and supportive then I feel they should know. I might sound like I am contradicting myself with this but, if you lok at an abortion consent form for a student it reads that teen abortion has an extremly high risk of dieing. Now the oldest recorded death for a teen abortion was in 1927. So as I said I feel it depends on if the family situation is bad then they should not need to know, but if the teen was to die then what would the hospital have to tell the parents?? The lie that they make up could be more tramatic then saying she got pregnant and had an abortion. But read this artical from someone who had an abortion and died. it is sad so bare with me here. Lets just say that docter better have had his lisence revoked after this. According to Milton Helpern, later that day, Lothringer called a policeman who was a friend of his, telling him that he was away on business and asking him to call Roto-Rooter about the stopped-up toilet and to let them into the house.
The New York Times, on the other hand, said that Dr. Lothringer's father discovered that the drains were clogged, and called somebody to come attend to them.
Whoever called the worker in, the man found the toilet backed up, partially flooding the bathroom, and more water in the basement. Investigating the main house drain, the worker found the source of the problem -- pieces of bone and flesh. Somebody called the police, and an investigator took the tissue to be examined.
Soon the authorities had workers digging up the sewer lines from Lothringer's house. They found pieces of Barbara, her clothing, and her baby. The largest fragments were only a few inches long. Barbara had been dismembered and flushed down the garbage disposal and the toilet. Barbara's parents identified the clothing fragments, and Barbara's orthodontist identified a section of jaw with the teeth still in it along with several isolated teeth.
Lothringer, who had already been under surveillance for suspected abortion activities, appeared to have fled the country.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Should Marjuana Be Legalized?

I feel that it should but have restrictions. No I do not smoke weed but I know people who do. If it was legalized then there would be less people in jail for possession of it, and more room for real criminals. The restrictions am thinking of are. It has to be natural no added substances, you can't have more then a 1/4 pound on you at all times, and you have to be educated on the dangers of it, and last but not least you h ave to have to obtain a five dollar license before you can grow it. I know some people will think that is stupid to have a price for it if i is legalized but think about it. The average pot smoker pays about ten dollars for weed, and they pay that a lot. So a one time five dollar payment is not that bad.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
How Do I want My Kids To Turn Out

Hypothetically thinking if you could genetically change your child to
be a supper hot supper star would I? would you? Well the answer to that
for me would be no!! I feel if you modify your child they won't live
the life God had intended for him/her. Yes I am religious and I think
Good chooses what you look like, how you act, and how long you live. if
you modify that it is like a swift kick in thears to God. So instead of rambling on about my beliefs I am going to talk about the side affects. It could harm them in the outrun. If it comes down to it if you modify
them what if they are not able to have kids. If something went wrong
and the child did not survive i would feel horrible. So that is myrambling on the subject so think about what you would do.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
What I Hate

Hate is a strong word but I really really don't like some things. Okay I understand I am hard on myself a lot but what I don't understand is how some one I thought was my friend who always tells me how beautiful I am and all this can talk so much crap about me behind my back and not think I can hear him/her... Will I ever be able to take a complement again??? I understand I am only 16 years old but still.....I go to church and everyone is like Kelsey you are beautiful when the one person I want there to say that to me does not think it most likely.. That is the only thing I will say I HATE is when people are two faced, and say one thing to your face and the total opposite behind your face. I also do not like when people say I said something I did not say. But the one and only other thing I will say I HATE is when I got blackmailed. I was told my ex friend's mom was in the "loony bin". Well she was not. I was told to tell every one that just so this person would get him mad at me. Well she told him that I started the rummer, and now he sends me harassing e mails. So that is my rant on this subject.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
What I Love

The first picture is Bethany Baptist and the second one is east Side Baptist, and the third is me getting baptized
What I love more than anything that I can think of at this moment is my church. I attend Bethany Baptist Church and I love it so so so so much. I love how I can go there every Sunday and Tuesday and even if I am having a bad day it will be a whole lot better once I get there. I know I have friends there and I do not have to worry if they are paying or if they are my real friends. I know if I need advice then I can ask them. I value there love and friendship. I never want to lose them. I also attend East Side Baptist Church when I am with my dad. My dad is the other person I love and value. I know this blog is a bit shorter then others but it is hard for me to put how I feel about these things into words.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Identical Twins
I know many twins weird huh? Well I just happen to know that just because your a twin does not mean your the same person. Lets say that twins are born and are separated at birth. You with me? So one twin goes to a wealthy family and the other goes to a dirt poor family. Are they going to be the same as if they were still together? Well no they won't. You could have twins who where not separated and still not be the same. Just because you look the same does not mean they are the same. One twin could be smart and outgoing, but the other twin could be dark and angry. So as you can see just because you are separated at birth and in different living situations does not mean you are going to be just like your twin or nothing like your twin. Something else I wanted to add was that I have a sister who is five year younger than I am but we are just the same in many many different ways. So everyone is there own person weather your a twin, triplet, sextuplets, or an only child does not make you who you are. Only you can say who you are and are not.
Friday, February 1, 2008
What Do I Value?
The above picture is a picture of my dad and sister Nakya caught off guard. Well I do value my life but I am not going into that whole speech. I mostly value my relationship with my dad mainly because he is the closest thing I have in my life. My dad has been with me through think and thin no matter what the circumstances. as most of you know I almost died this summer in a tragic ATV accident. If it was not for my dads quick thinking (which for him does not always happen LOL) I would not be here today. All I wanted while I was in the hospital was my dad because I knew what he felt and I hurt too. If I am to loose my dad before I get married have kids and do all that adult stuff I think i would die myself. I don't know why but I can feel when my dad is in pain and I don't even live with him. My dad lives in Springfield, Oregon and I live in Salem, Oregon and that is hard enough on me not being able to see him everyday. There is two songs that represent my dad and I. Buckcherry's Sorry. Not the whole song that would be a little weird but just this one part. Oh I had a lot to say was thinking on my time away
I missed you and things weren't the same
Cause everything inside it never comes out right
And when I see you cry it makes me want to die I picked this song because I think about how much I love my dad at least once a day and, when we see each other cry or in pain it hurts us both and we want to die a little bit inside. The whole song that represents my dad and I would have to be. How You Remind Me. Mainly because we had a rough life and if it was not for my brother sister and I he would still be sitting in Prison I think. I love my life so much and I know parts of this song might sound weird for my dads and My song but it really does fit us to a T. I have embedded the song in here for you listening. An object that I value would be a porcelain doll I have. The reason I value it is because it belonged to my great grandma when she was a child, and she means a lot to me. Value can mean a lot of things. To me it is something that is close to me and I never want to loose it.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Three R's

When you hear the three R's you think of Respect Responsibility and Readiness to learn right?? Well you right but not in this case. Yes we have Respect and Responsibility but the other one is Reality.
Respect- something I need to learn on myself is respecting myself. I tell everyone that they need to respect them selves then they can respect others more accurately.
We also have to learn to respect others right opinions and beliefs. If you can learn to respect the fact that everyone is different then we can learn to respect our selves a little bit more.
We also have to respect our elders and yes that includes our teachers. (not that I am calling you old Ryan and Eric). But if you want the love and respect that they give to us then we have to learn to respect them also and that includes how they teach and what they are teaching. Everyone is going to encounter someone they do not like but as long as you can respect them when they are near you then you can learn how to respect them when they are not near you.
Responsibility- Responsibility can mean more then remembering to when you have to be at the doctors or work it also means to be responsible to your school work. If you remember to come to school and have you paper, pencil, pens, etc.. then you can learn responsibility outside of school and apply it more successfully.
You also have to have responsibility when it comes to your grade. By coming to school prepared and following directions then you can be in control of your grades.
Reality- I feel that if I am not Respectful or Responsible and I say that I am then that makes me a lier and I do not want to be a lier. I could be held accountable if I am a lier and that would not be a good thing at all.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Shellburg Falls
I did not like the trip for more reasons then I stated. I had a feeling before we left that someone was going to get hurt, then it happened and it ended up being me who got hurt. I felt pressured to go and I do not do good under pressure. I also felt that everyone was laughing at me because it was hard for me but that is for more reasons then one. I felt that my teacher wanted more out of me then I could give him and that i was a huge disappointment to him. I also feel that I can never live up to what he wants me to be and that hurts me more than my knee hurt yesterday. I am sorry that I let him down so he could not see vary much of the hike. I admit the waterfall was beautiful and was fun to look at. I just hope that one of these days I will be able to go up and not feel pressured. I felt that I could have done better but I did not want to go because I get ridiculed by everyone for it and I am tired of it and I just want it to stop. I almost did not come to school today because I know they are going to talk about it when I am not around. One of these days I am going to go back on my own and make it but until then I don't know what I will do. I am sorry Ryan for disappointing you and making it so that you could not see everything your first time out there.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Should Housewives Be Paid?

I do not feel that housewives should be paid mainly because it would not be responsible of the state. It is voluntary work, because you are not hired to be a housewife. I was your choice to have sex and get pregnant. Now I know a lot of people think well what about the ones who were raped or was not trying? Well there are still lots of other options. Daycare sounds like a lot of money but if can be or can not be. If you are a teen mother you would not be a housewife but you would be a house mother. Most schools have a program for teen mothers that are free. But back on track if you are afraid you will not have money then you be the daycare facilitator. Then in a way you would get paid. Okay think about the fathers who stay at home with the kids do they not count?? If something was to happen and the state decided to pay housewives then would the house fathers get paid also? Some one from the International debate education association said,
"Even if we agree there shouldn't be overt gender discrimination in the workplace, it is not the role of state to enforce its conceptions of gender roles on the household. Many cultural and religious groups base their societies squarely on the traditional family unit. Many of the women involved in these are comfortable with that. To enforce a subjectively 'progressive' model both violates their cultural rights, and risks causing havoc in these established structures."
This agrees with my statement about how gender would be a huge problem in this case. well every one has there own opinion and this is mine.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Should I Be Dreaming Of A White Christmas?

I feel everyone has the tight to dream what they want to dream? I dream for a "white Christmas" every year. I also feel that everyone should have one thing to dream about every year. Like I want to get engaged on Christmas, or Valentines day, or a white Christmas. I look forward to Christmas every year. I want it to snow but unfortunately were I live it does not happen vary often. Now I have read that dreaming for something as simple or complexed (depending on your thinking) is completely unorthodox. No might I add that is there opinion. I also feel that dreaming should be a part of every ones life. It has been stated that if you do not dream about any thing whether it is Christmas or that "ring", can cause some people to go crazy. So take it from me dream and dream big. The bigger the dream the more you will accomplish.
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