Summary: Viruses are non-living particles around half to maybe a hundredth the size of the smallest bacteria partical. Its disease causing, a protein-based particle that includes DNA or RNA code in it's insides.
A virus is unable to reproduce outside a host cell. They are often named for the disease in which they cause. They are considered non-living mainly because they do not fit the criteria to have the definition life. But the subject whether they are really living or non living organisms is often argued.
Reproduction: A single virus particle lacks needed components that cells need to reproduce. Viruses cannot express their genes or reproduce unless they have the help of a living cell. As soon as a virus has infected a cell it will controll the cells ribosomes, enzymes and much of
the cellular machinery to help it reproduce.
Influenza: This is a horrible virus that can in the end of not cared for can kill you. Influenza is commonly called the flu and is a RNA virus. To get an idea of how many people the flue kills well... Flu spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics, killing millions of people. Wow that is a lot. Some ways to prevent getting the flu include, frequent hand washing, and even using those seat protecters in a public bathroom. You can also refrain from giving any one the virus by covering your cough, but in doing so along with your sneezes use you sleeve not your hands, if you are needed in work then use one of those maskes you can get from the doctor, and last but not least use the meds you are givin by your doctor as well. It is a know fact that is you use antibiotics when you do not need them then they will not work when you do need them.
Very well done! Nice job!
I need to change my first comment after reading through your work more carefully... what you did was GREAT! However, you were supposed to identify 3 diseases caused by viruses. You only did one, the FLU. Please add for full credit. 6/10
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