The list below will be eleven acts of vandalism and I will list them in order from worst to not so worst. Now don't get me wrong vandalism is bad and should not go UN-treated. I chose to put them in this order because I admit I have done some of these. The are at the bottom not the too because even though they are not that major they still are vandalism.
1. I would say that setting a school on fire would be the most harmful because you are endangering the lives of thousands of people depending on how big the school is and who wants to hurt children?? or anyone????
2. Putting a stone on a railroad track is a tie between first and second because you are still endangering the lives of people.
3. Damaging a phone box could be bad in the case that if there is an accident and you are out of cell range then it could be a long time until you can get saved.
4. Breaking glass at a bus shelter and damaging the seats on a bus are the same for me because you are damaging things that belong to the same company.
5. Graffiti is a huge epidemic but the only thing I see wrong with it is that it makes a building look tacky.
6. Throwing eggs at a car/house and breaking a street light are also in the same category for me because they are just stupid and people can break a street light with an egg.
7. Again a group one would be littering and breaking a park bench because you find garbage in a park.
8. Last but not least I would say that putting soap in a fountain is the least dangerous because I feel it is just stupid, but I have done it so I can't say that I have not.
Those are my rants and raves on the topic so I agree vandalism is stupid, but everyone does it at some point in there life.
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