Hate is a strong word but I really really don't like some things. Okay I understand I am hard on myself a lot but what I don't understand is how some one I thought was my friend who always tells me how beautiful I am and all this can talk so much crap about me behind my back and not think I can hear him/her... Will I ever be able to take a complement again??? I understand I am only 16 years old but still.....I go to church and everyone is like Kelsey you are beautiful when the one person I want there to say that to me does not think it most likely.. That is the only thing I will say I HATE is when people are two faced, and say one thing to your face and the total opposite behind your face. I also do not like when people say I said something I did not say. But the one and only other thing I will say I HATE is when I got blackmailed. I was told my ex friend's mom was in the "loony bin". Well she was not. I was told to tell every one that just so this person would get him mad at me. Well she told him that I started the rummer, and now he sends me harassing e mails. So that is my rant on this subject.
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