The above picture is a picture of my dad and sister Nakya caught off guard. Well I do value my life but I am not going into that whole speech. I mostly value my relationship with my dad mainly because he is the closest thing I have in my life. My dad has been with me through think and thin no matter what the circumstances. as most of you know I almost died this summer in a tragic ATV accident. If it was not for my dads quick thinking (which for him does not always happen LOL) I would not be here today. All I wanted while I was in the hospital was my dad because I knew what he felt and I hurt too. If I am to loose my dad before I get married have kids and do all that adult stuff I think i would die myself. I don't know why but I can feel when my dad is in pain and I don't even live with him. My dad lives in Springfield, Oregon and I live in Salem, Oregon and that is hard enough on me not being able to see him everyday. There is two songs that represent my dad and I. Buckcherry's Sorry. Not the whole song that would be a little weird but just this one part. Oh I had a lot to say was thinking on my time away
I missed you and things weren't the same
Cause everything inside it never comes out right
And when I see you cry it makes me want to die I picked this song because I think about how much I love my dad at least once a day and, when we see each other cry or in pain it hurts us both and we want to die a little bit inside. The whole song that represents my dad and I would have to be. How You Remind Me. Mainly because we had a rough life and if it was not for my brother sister and I he would still be sitting in Prison I think. I love my life so much and I know parts of this song might sound weird for my dads and My song but it really does fit us to a T. I have embedded the song in here for you listening. An object that I value would be a porcelain doll I have. The reason I value it is because it belonged to my great grandma when she was a child, and she means a lot to me. Value can mean a lot of things. To me it is something that is close to me and I never want to loose it.
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