Well as most of you know I am against abortion but that is not what this blog is about. This blog is about if a teen who is getting abortion should need to have parental consent. I feel they should but the should not. what I ean byt thi s if your family does drugs and will kill you for having get pregnant then they should not have to know. But if your family is loving and supportive then I feel they should know. I might sound like I am contradicting myself with this but, if you lok at an abortion consent form for a student it reads that teen abortion has an extremly high risk of dieing. Now the oldest recorded death for a teen abortion was in 1927. So as I said I feel it depends on if the family situation is bad then they should not need to know, but if the teen was to die then what would the hospital have to tell the parents?? The lie that they make up could be more tramatic then saying she got pregnant and had an abortion. But read this artical from someone who had an abortion and died. it is sad so bare with me here. Lets just say that docter better have had his lisence revoked after this. According to Milton Helpern, later that day, Lothringer called a policeman who was a friend of his, telling him that he was away on business and asking him to call Roto-Rooter about the stopped-up toilet and to let them into the house.
The New York Times, on the other hand, said that Dr. Lothringer's father discovered that the drains were clogged, and called somebody to come attend to them.
Whoever called the worker in, the man found the toilet backed up, partially flooding the bathroom, and more water in the basement. Investigating the main house drain, the worker found the source of the problem -- pieces of bone and flesh. Somebody called the police, and an investigator took the tissue to be examined.
Soon the authorities had workers digging up the sewer lines from Lothringer's house. They found pieces of Barbara, her clothing, and her baby. The largest fragments were only a few inches long. Barbara had been dismembered and flushed down the garbage disposal and the toilet. Barbara's parents identified the clothing fragments, and Barbara's orthodontist identified a section of jaw with the teeth still in it along with several isolated teeth.
Lothringer, who had already been under surveillance for suspected abortion activities, appeared to have fled the country.