I am not sure if I am for or against it, because I feel strongly about things on both sides. For stem cell research I would have to say it is because of how controlled it is. They are very careful and start the process after 14 days. The reason I mentioned the time is primarily because the heart does not start beating until after 18 days. If the process started after 18 days I would be totally against it. I know I might sound like I am contradicting myself but, I am against it because they send an electrical current through the embryo after they are done with the research. I don't on the other hand care for people who say that they are against it, yet then they engage in stem cell research get under my skin. I never cared for Superman but I did like Christopher Reeves. The reason I mention this is because he was against the topic, yet towards the end of his life he engaged in the subject and I did not understand that situation. So as you can tell I like things for and against it because with any argument there are pros and cons and I feel you should be able to argument on either side. For those who do not know what Stem Cell Research is, it's the process in which they make a baby in a tube that will not last. They wait 14 days before they engage in the studies. At 18 days the baby's heart will start to beat and if they are done before that they terminate the embryo and thats slightly okay with me. The thing I disagree with is if it last longer then 18 days the heart is beating then it is murder in my eyes. They do stem cell research to look for possible cures for different diseases. basicaly that is what this subject is and you either agree or disagree. I just so happen to agree and disagree.
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