The Salmon cycle Finding Nemo Style
On a windy day in Springtucky, Washington, there was a group of four friends, Jason, Nelson, Angela but we call her Angie, and Koryn. In just a little bit I will tell you a little about each of the characters then they will embark on there journey. They are all Chinook salmon and were all great friends from birth. Jason is in love with Angie but can't tell her, Nelson is the stud muffin/ Angies' Ex, Angie is in love with Nelson but me does not know that he likes Koryn. That leaves me with Koryn. She is kind of dumb and at times could remind you of some one who might not be all there.
As the days go by it closer and closer to the time of going out into the ocean. All at once panic and fear sweeps over their faces. None of the little fishes have any idea when they have to leave their redd on their search for stardom. (Something I should have mentioned in the beginning is that they are in a pop group called the chinookies.) Their favorite song they sing is titled Make A Wish. It goes something like this. One day when I grow up I wanna be big and tall like my daddy Brock. That's my wish and if I think about all the time one day soon I will reach the top. Make a wish ooooo make a wish ohhh yaaaaaa. “That song will be famous one day” So they say and think.
The day has come. They have reached their fry stage and are on their way down stream. For those who are not familiar with the life cycle of a salmon, the fry stage is the stage in which they slowly start migrating down stream. “why do we have these weird black stripes on our backs?” Said Koryn. “Well.” said Nelson. “It shows that we are matured enough to start our smolt stage.” “Oh.” She says. “What's the smolt stage?” “Are you that stupid?” Said Angie. Well the smolt stage for those of our readers who do not know it the stage in which they go into the estuaries. “What” SHUT UP KORYN. An estuary is where the salt water of the ocean meets the fresh water of the river. The reason salmon go through this stage is so that they can get used to the salt water so they can survive in the ocean. “Hey gang.” Nelson shouts. “Lets go into that ocean and get that record deal.” All at once they all shouts YES LETS GO.
One year into their seven year journey has approached. “Wow, We have made it this far, gang., what a trip! Only six years to go.” I think we can make it and get that record deal and beat our competitors. The barracuda brothers. This is not going to be easy for our fish friends, as they will encounter many, many difficulties throughout this journey.
As our friends swim further and further out to sea the more scared they become. All of a sudden they run into a dolphin. Now all our friends where scared because they did not know it was a dolphin,but, they thought it was a shark. This made Rikki sad (Rikki is the dolphin). As our fish friends swam away Rikki went after them. Rikki has no friends and was hoping that our fish friends would be hers too. “wait up” she shouts. But they go faster and faster. Then they finally lost her and sat down to have a rest. Little did they know that Rikki was right behind them. She caught up to them, but they were asleep.
Fast asleep they were and when they woke up they woke up to a surprise. Rikki was resting right in front of them just staring straight at them. When they awoke Angie almost had a heart attack. What are you doing here they all shout. “I'm not mean”! She says. But your a umm a umm ummm “gulp” shark. “NO I'M NOT I AM A DOLPHIN”. Sorry so so sorry we thought you where a yea. It's okay i get it a lot. So our friends accepted Rikki and asked her if she wants to hang out with them on there journey. “Sure”. So it was official she was a groupie.
As our friends went on they told Rikki of there reason for this ocean journey. Rikki was so excited to a part of a group for the first tie that she is willing to do anything to keep them safe. “through think and thin I will be here for you and keep you safe.” Thank you they say to her. Swimming and swimming deeper and deeper they go. They all wish they would find Long Beach California NOW!!! Once in California they have to find Juna the Tuna. Juna is the owner and founder of The Deep Blue recording Studio. (If you haven't guessed it yet Juna can help them get there record deal).
The day has come and they reach Long beach california. When they went into the story they tried to find Juna but he was no where to be found. They looked hi and low low and hi and could not find it. “maybe were in the wrong place” they all start to think. So Rikki being the only one who can read goes out side to see what the sign says. She comes back with a sad look on her face. “The sign says Santa Monica's Deep Blue recording studio”. So they all go outside and continue their journey. They finally without hesitation find the correct recording studio. Unlucky for them Juna wont be there for two whole days. They are all so sad because they only have four more year before they have to go back and spawn.
Our friends decided to go and play near the shore but that was a huge mistake on there part. “Look Look there is a dolphin over there”. Says a fisherman on a boat. Without hesitating they swim faster and faster to get away. The fishermen catch Rikki and they star to run drive off slowly. Try biting the net they all shout. Out of nowhere another fish comes up and bites a huge whole in the net for Rikki to get out. “Thank you so much” they all shout. “Your welcome” all at the same they ask this fish what its name is. Juna he says. Wow the Juna the one who owns the record company? Yes wow we have been searching and searching to find you and now your here. “come to my office tomorrow and we will meet”. Thank you so much we will be there.
Needless to say they went they talk and they got the record deal. Thank you so much we will do you great wonders they all say. I know you will. So for three and a half years they are doing great then they remember they have to go spawn. Oh no fine lets go. “Can I come” Rikki asks. Sure you can come some f the time but not the whole because you will not be used to fresh water. Okay. I just hope I make it all the way to where I am going with you. Whay? I don't feel good. Oh i am so sorry. It's okay. So our friends start their journey back to Springtucky. When they reach Rockaway Beach oregon they decide to rest.
The next day they get up and only have one month left to get there. We have to hurry they shout. Well I think Rikki should stop here and not go any further, okay they decide. They go to get her up and she will not wake up. What's wrong they are thinking. They go find a doctor and to their sad surprise Rikki went in her sleep. “Okay we must not stay lets go” Koryn decides. So they left and returned home two weeks later. They lay there eggs and have them fertilized and in the end everyone ended up with who they wanted. Nelson even fertilized Koryns' eggs too. Happy as clams they are sitting around a fire then all of a sudden they all fall over and die. I just want to add that is was what was meant for them. They went out fought for what they wanted succeeded it and so can you.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
should assisted suicide be legalized?
When I first read the topic I was about to say NO!!!!! suicide in general should not be legal. Then I started to read the text before I made my decision and I came to a conclusion. I feel they should not call it assisted suicide rather call it euthanasia. which is the correct word for it, and, mind you that sounds so much nicer then suicide. I have had family who have had their life ended using the euthanasia method. I agree that it is okay as long as patient is not responsive. in easier terms. They have a heart beat but do not have enough brain function to speak or think for themselves. I am not sure if you remember terry schivo, but, she was in a vegative state but she still had brain function. her family believed that she would come out of it. Her husband on the other hand wanted to "pull the plug". It ended up being a huge legal case and in the end her husband won. I do not agree with that because she still could have come out of her comma. Euthanasia is where the doctor injects a lethal drug into the IV and in a matter of min they patient is asleep forever. So if you agree with this statement thats is fine it's your opinion and it is not wrong. Same if you disagree it is your opinion and it is not wrong. I personally am against it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Stem Cell Research

I am not sure if I am for or against it, because I feel strongly about things on both sides. For stem cell research I would have to say it is because of how controlled it is. They are very careful and start the process after 14 days. The reason I mentioned the time is primarily because the heart does not start beating until after 18 days. If the process started after 18 days I would be totally against it. I know I might sound like I am contradicting myself but, I am against it because they send an electrical current through the embryo after they are done with the research. I don't on the other hand care for people who say that they are against it, yet then they engage in stem cell research get under my skin. I never cared for Superman but I did like Christopher Reeves. The reason I mention this is because he was against the topic, yet towards the end of his life he engaged in the subject and I did not understand that situation. So as you can tell I like things for and against it because with any argument there are pros and cons and I feel you should be able to argument on either side. For those who do not know what Stem Cell Research is, it's the process in which they make a baby in a tube that will not last. They wait 14 days before they engage in the studies. At 18 days the baby's heart will start to beat and if they are done before that they terminate the embryo and thats slightly okay with me. The thing I disagree with is if it last longer then 18 days the heart is beating then it is murder in my eyes. They do stem cell research to look for possible cures for different diseases. basicaly that is what this subject is and you either agree or disagree. I just so happen to agree and disagree.
Monday, December 10, 2007
My Favorite Christmas
Until around July of this year I would not be able to answer this question truthfully. I was sitting on my dads couch with two of my four brothers, one of my two sisters, my dad, dog broady, cats crid and stash, oh and my step mom. We were watching old home videos and we came across an old Christmas one. needless to say we watched it. We were ALL there and having fun. I was wearing pants that looked like a soccer ball threw up on me, my little sister was wearing her usual Christmas wear. it included a princess dress and tiara. I just miss our WHOLE family being together. My favorite gift I got that year was almost the same as everyone else. All the kids Dakoda, Nakya, Stephen, Eric, and I all got Power Ranger suits and helmets. That was the happiest I have seen my family in a LONG time and I miss it a lot. If every Christmas was that way then I would be the happiest person on the face of the planet. So that would have to be my favorite Christmas of ALL time.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
My Cigarett argument
Yes I feel the cigarette bill boards and giant signs should be illegal. mainly because it gives young kids the impression that it is okay to smoke. Anti smoking bill boards would be outstanding. now a days you see commercials that say things like, second hand smoke kills, stays on your cloths. Things like that. I love those commercials but I would love to see ones that say. Not only can second hand smoke kill you but so can first hand. most kids would look at that and think to themselves that smoking is bad not just being around smoking. do you really want to be inhaling all of these? Now not all of these are in one cigarette. some of them are, some are in menthols, and some are in cloves. now most of you readers will only get a few down and decide to quit but some will read the whole thing and decide not to quite but I would advise you do. So please take care of yourselves. Quit smoking, never start, and please inmorm you children that it is wrong.
* Acetanisole
* Acetic Acid
* Acetoin
* Acetophenone
* 6-Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane
* 2-Acetyl-3- Ethylpyrazine
* 2-Acetyl-5-Methylfuran
* Acetylpyrazine
* 2-Acetylpyridine
* 3-Acetylpyridine
* 2-Acetylthiazole
* Aconitic Acid
* dl-Alanine
* Alfalfa Extract
* Allspice Extract,Oleoresin, and Oil
* Allyl Hexanoate
* Allyl Ionone
* Almond Bitter Oil
* Ambergris Tincture
* Ammonia
* Ammonium Bicarbonate
* Ammonium Hydroxide
* Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic
* Ammonium Sulfide
* Amyl Alcohol
* Amyl Butyrate
* Amyl Formate
* Amyl Octanoate
* alpha-Amylcinnamaldehyde
* Amyris Oil
* trans-Anethole
* Angelica Root Extract, Oil and Seed Oil
* Anise
* Anise Star, Extract and Oils
* Anisyl Acetate
* Anisyl Alcohol
* Anisyl Formate
* Anisyl Phenylacetate
* Apple Juice Concentrate, Extract, and Skins
* Apricot Extract and Juice Concentrate
* 1-Arginine
* Asafetida Fluid Extract And Oil
* Ascorbic Acid
* 1-Asparagine Monohydrate
* 1-Aspartic Acid
* Balsam Peru and Oil
* Basil Oil
* Bay Leaf, Oil and Sweet Oil
* Beeswax White
* Beet Juice Concentrate
* Benzaldehyde
* Benzaldehyde Glyceryl Acetal
* Benzoic Acid, Benzoin
* Benzoin Resin
* Benzophenone
* Benzyl Alcohol
* Benzyl Benzoate
* Benzyl Butyrate
* Benzyl Cinnamate
* Benzyl Propionate
* Benzyl Salicylate
* Bergamot Oil
* Bisabolene
* Black Currant Buds Absolute
* Borneol
* Bornyl Acetate
* Buchu Leaf Oil
* 1,3-Butanediol
* 2,3-Butanedione
* 1-Butanol
* 2-Butanone
* 4(2-Butenylidene)-3,5,5-Trimethyl-2-Cyclohexen-1-One
* Butter, Butter Esters, and Butter Oil
* Butyl Acetate
* Butyl Butyrate
* Butyl Butyryl Lactate
* Butyl Isovalerate
* Butyl Phenylacetate
* Butyl Undecylenate
* 3-Butylidenephthalide
* Butyric Acid]
* Cadinene
* Caffeine
* Calcium Carbonate
* Camphene
* Cananga Oil
* Capsicum Oleoresin
* Caramel Color
* Caraway Oil
* Carbon Dioxide
* Cardamom Oleoresin, Extract, Seed Oil, and Powder
* Carob Bean and Extract
* beta-Carotene
* Carrot Oil
* Carvacrol
* 4-Carvomenthenol
* 1-Carvone
* beta-Caryophyllene
* beta-Caryophyllene Oxide
* Cascarilla Oil and Bark Extract
* Cassia Bark Oil
* Cassie Absolute and Oil
* Castoreum Extract, Tincture and Absolute
* Cedar Leaf Oil
* Cedarwood Oil Terpenes and Virginiana
* Cedrol
* Celery Seed Extract, Solid, Oil, And Oleoresin
* Cellulose Fiber
* Chamomile Flower Oil And Extract
* Chicory Extract
* Chocolate
* Cinnamaldehyde
* Cinnamic Acid
* Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Bark Oil, and Extract
* Cinnamyl Acetate
* Cinnamyl Alcohol
* Cinnamyl Cinnamate
* Cinnamyl Isovalerate
* Cinnamyl Propionate
* Citral
* Citric Acid
* Citronella Oil
* dl-Citronellol
* Citronellyl Butyrate
* itronellyl Isobutyrate
* Civet Absolute
* Clary Oil
* Clover Tops, Red Solid Extract
* Cocoa
* Cocoa Shells, Extract, Distillate And Powder
* Coconut Oil
* Coffee
* Cognac White and Green Oil
* Copaiba Oil
* Coriander Extract and Oil
* Corn Oil
* Corn Silk
* Costus Root Oil
* Cubeb Oil
* Cuminaldehyde
* para-Cymene
* 1-Cysteine
* Acetanisole
* Acetic Acid
* Acetoin
* Acetophenone
* 6-Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane
* 2-Acetyl-3- Ethylpyrazine
* 2-Acetyl-5-Methylfuran
* Acetylpyrazine
* 2-Acetylpyridine
* 3-Acetylpyridine
* 2-Acetylthiazole
* Aconitic Acid
* dl-Alanine
* Alfalfa Extract
* Allspice Extract,Oleoresin, and Oil
* Allyl Hexanoate
* Allyl Ionone
* Almond Bitter Oil
* Ambergris Tincture
* Ammonia
* Ammonium Bicarbonate
* Ammonium Hydroxide
* Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic
* Ammonium Sulfide
* Amyl Alcohol
* Amyl Butyrate
* Amyl Formate
* Amyl Octanoate
* alpha-Amylcinnamaldehyde
* Amyris Oil
* trans-Anethole
* Angelica Root Extract, Oil and Seed Oil
* Anise
* Anise Star, Extract and Oils
* Anisyl Acetate
* Anisyl Alcohol
* Anisyl Formate
* Anisyl Phenylacetate
* Apple Juice Concentrate, Extract, and Skins
* Apricot Extract and Juice Concentrate
* 1-Arginine
* Asafetida Fluid Extract And Oil
* Ascorbic Acid
* 1-Asparagine Monohydrate
* 1-Aspartic Acid
* Balsam Peru and Oil
* Basil Oil
* Bay Leaf, Oil and Sweet Oil
* Beeswax White
* Beet Juice Concentrate
* Benzaldehyde
* Benzaldehyde Glyceryl Acetal
* Benzoic Acid, Benzoin
* Benzoin Resin
* Benzophenone
* Benzyl Alcohol
* Benzyl Benzoate
* Benzyl Butyrate
* Benzyl Cinnamate
* Benzyl Propionate
* Benzyl Salicylate
* Bergamot Oil
* Bisabolene
* Black Currant Buds Absolute
* Borneol
* Bornyl Acetate
* Buchu Leaf Oil
* 1,3-Butanediol
* 2,3-Butanedione
* 1-Butanol
* 2-Butanone
* 4(2-Butenylidene)-3,5,5-Trimethyl-2-Cyclohexen-1-One
* Butter, Butter Esters, and Butter Oil
* Butyl Acetate
* Butyl Butyrate
* Butyl Butyryl Lactate
* Butyl Isovalerate
* Butyl Phenylacetate
* Butyl Undecylenate
* 3-Butylidenephthalide
* Butyric Acid]
* Cadinene
* Caffeine
* Calcium Carbonate
* Camphene
* Cananga Oil
* Capsicum Oleoresin
* Caramel Color
* Caraway Oil
* Carbon Dioxide
* Cardamom Oleoresin, Extract, Seed Oil, and Powder
* Carob Bean and Extract
* beta-Carotene
* Carrot Oil
* Carvacrol
* 4-Carvomenthenol
* 1-Carvone
* beta-Caryophyllene
* beta-Caryophyllene Oxide
* Cascarilla Oil and Bark Extract
* Cassia Bark Oil
* Cassie Absolute and Oil
* Castoreum Extract, Tincture and Absolute
* Cedar Leaf Oil
* Cedarwood Oil Terpenes and Virginiana
* Cedrol
* Celery Seed Extract, Solid, Oil, And Oleoresin
* Cellulose Fiber
* Chamomile Flower Oil And Extract
* Chicory Extract
* Chocolate
* Cinnamaldehyde
* Cinnamic Acid
* Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Bark Oil, and Extract
* Cinnamyl Acetate
* Cinnamyl Alcohol
* Cinnamyl Cinnamate
* Cinnamyl Isovalerate
* Cinnamyl Propionate
* Citral
* Citric Acid
* Citronella Oil
* dl-Citronellol
* Citronellyl Butyrate
* itronellyl Isobutyrate
* Civet Absolute
* Clary Oil
* Clover Tops, Red Solid Extract
* Cocoa
* Cocoa Shells, Extract, Distillate And Powder
* Coconut Oil
* Coffee
* Cognac White and Green Oil
* Copaiba Oil
* Coriander Extract and Oil
* Corn Oil
* Corn Silk
* Costus Root Oil
* Cubeb Oil
* Cuminaldehyde
* para-Cymene
* 1-Cysteine
Monday, December 3, 2007
endangered species

I feel we should help the endangered species because they are just like us in many ways. Yes I believe in creationism but, we are considered mammals. Think it as if we were about to be extinct would you want to do anything in your power to keep us here? There is only to things in the whole world I am waiting to go extinct and never come back. Those would have to be Spiders and Snakes but only the poisons snakes, but all Spiders. I understand that spiders help our environment but the scariness if them is the reason I don't like them. Now a days it seems like a new animal or species goes extinct. The only way we can stop that is to clean up our environment. I love wales but if we do not change things then they will be next. lean up after yourselves on the beach, look into the program SOLVE. garbage and waste is the main environmental problems. So do your part and help make our generation the clean machines.
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