Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I no loinger go to the school I went to that I used this blog for but I amstill goingto blog!! I still do not know what to blog but I will think of something soon!!! I might just end up writting all my journal entrys on to here!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

LOF resolution

College is something I want to do and I have no clue how I will afford it but it will be done. I feel that with the learning experiences I have had here at the IKE box I will do great in college and will go far in my life. Last year I would have never thought I would get through high school, but now I know I will and get far in life.

LOF Self

Through this process, I learned that I can deal with my anger in a more humane way. I also learned that even if I look different then the others in the class I am the only Kelsey Kerns. No one in the world can be me only I can be me. Thinking about this has helped me a lot because I am still learning that I can change for the good or the bad, but I am hoping for the good, and no one will ever be able to take that away from me. I have great grades now and in a bigger classroom I was getting horrid grades a college would not take a second look at me. While being a part of Fresh Start @ the IKE I now can get into any college I want to I hope. I have Ryan to thank for that!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


As I have been here at the IKE box I have met many weird and interesting people. I have had good times and bad times. In the book Lord Of The Flies Ralph and Jack don't always agree. I mention this because a lot of the class and I have lots of different views on things. One thing I can remember was when my friend Angel and I got in a big fight and hated each other for a while until we sat down and talked everything over and became friends again.

For about a week I was not here because of all the drama of the class and so I did not come to class. After I got back I found out that they were still being rude to me and so I stood up in front of everyone just as Ralph did to Jack and told the class how I felt. After a while I learned that no matter where I go people are going to be crude and talk crap to me ad I have to learn how to deal with that in a little better way.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

LOF Plain Crash

On Monday September 24th, 2006 I was fully enrolled into Roberts High School. I was there for about a month until I heard about Fresh Start At The IKE box. Miranda Gindlesburger stuck up for me in my class at Roberts when things turned a muck. Needless to say I ended up in Ryan's class. throughout my experience here I have had to deal with people not liking me making fun of me and at times I feel I have crash landed from one crash landing to another... I have gone through things with other students but we always seem to make it up until something else comes up.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Threatened species

The Loggerhead sea turtle is the turtle you would see in Finding nemo. The scientific name is Caretta Caretta. The loggerhead Sea Turtles is not endangered yet, but it is threatened species. Loggerhead Sea Turtles were hunted a lot for their meat , eggs, along with their fat which was once used in cosmetics and medication. They were also killed for their shells, which are used to make combs and other merchandice. They are now internationally protected. They are now caught a lot because of shrimp and crab nets. In 1947 there was 42,000 mating females, and now thee is fewer then 1,500 mating females. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle lives in the ocean and are in every sea. The Mediterranean, in Texas Florida, Australia, and every other Ocean. Now just because they are in every ocean does not mean there are a lot they still need to be helped so do what you can to help...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This blog is quite difficult. I am trying to think of a medafore. for the IKE box one could be an island, because we are not realy at robertws and away on our own and not having to be included with everyone. I will finishh this later I have to take a test...