When you hear the three R's you think of Respect Responsibility and Readiness to learn right?? Well you right but not in this case. Yes we have Respect and Responsibility but the other one is Reality.
Respect- something I need to learn on myself is respecting myself. I tell everyone that they need to respect them selves then they can respect others more accurately.
We also have to learn to respect others right opinions and beliefs. If you can learn to respect the fact that everyone is different then we can learn to respect our selves a little bit more.
We also have to respect our elders and yes that includes our teachers. (not that I am calling you old Ryan and Eric). But if you want the love and respect that they give to us then we have to learn to respect them also and that includes how they teach and what they are teaching. Everyone is going to encounter someone they do not like but as long as you can respect them when they are near you then you can learn how to respect them when they are not near you.
Responsibility- Responsibility can mean more then remembering to when you have to be at the doctors or work it also means to be responsible to your school work. If you remember to come to school and have you paper, pencil, pens, etc.. then you can learn responsibility outside of school and apply it more successfully.
You also have to have responsibility when it comes to your grade. By coming to school prepared and following directions then you can be in control of your grades.
Reality- I feel that if I am not Respectful or Responsible and I say that I am then that makes me a lier and I do not want to be a lier. I could be held accountable if I am a lier and that would not be a good thing at all.