Friday, November 30, 2007
How I am Broad Minded
I am not quite sure what it means to be broad minded per-say but I am very liberal and I love to speak my mind. I try not to let what people think about me get to me but as any person I do sometimes but I try to just blow them off and speak my mind. I love to do mind puzzles, the ones where you look at them and you see a shape or face in them. The other things I love to do are the Trick Of The Eyes books they are real fun too. I am not sure if that makes me broad minded or not, but if so then I guess I am.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
My Fence Argument Times Dos
I feel that the fence would not help economically. Just think about the flash floods in Arizona. Every once in a while Arizona has huge floods and they could knock out the fence or cause a lot of damage. If this was to happen then it would cost us even more money to fix it then it would to build the fence. On the other hand if we can afford a $40,000,000,000 war we can afford a $2,000,000,000 fence. But we can not keep affording to fix it every time Arizona has a flash flood. It would cost $1,000,000,000-$2,000,000,000 to fix it again in the event of a flash flood. If we build this fence it will take money from the Welfare and food stamps and things to build it. In that event it will take more money from those organizations to build it and leave less for the U.S citizens that are already not getting as much as they deserve if any. So in the long run I feel the fence WILL NOT help the economy.
Monday, November 26, 2007
My Argument on the 700ft border fence.

I feel they should not build the fence unless they make it electrical and make it cover the whole border. The fact that they can come here and get medical, drivers license, and other things Americans have to work for ticks me off. They can just jump the fence and get over here but we can't to get over there. I feel if the fence is electrical then they get to the top and get electrocuted. I also feel that it should be topped with barbed wire to scare them into not jumping in fear of getting hurt. If they did not build the fence but made an agreement with Mexico that they will become citizens that would be fine. I am not racist or anything but, the ones that do not want to take the time to become a citizen should not be here unless they are on vacation. (And that does not mean a permanent vacation.) So yes I think they should build the fence.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Creationism vs evolution in schools
I feel evolution nor Creationism should be taught in public schools. I feel this because it would bring to much controversy and other related issues into the schools. I think the schools should just let us believe what we believe and leave it to that. In Christian schools they teach Creationism. In public schools they teach evolution because it is illegal to teach christianity in the public schools. So if they did not teach any of them in the public schools then the christians in public schools who can not afford the private christian schools will not feel pressured to say what they feel in fear of getting un-constructive criticism by other students.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My Argument On Genetic Screening
I am against genetic screening because you never know what could happen. It could be wrong, maybe the baby would have lived you never know. I can't stress enough how much I disagree when people think that a family would be disappointed if they get a boy when they want a girl. "If both the father and mother desire a girl, wouldn't it be better that they be able to conceive and select a girl. The alternative is that they have a boy and are disappointed. Their disappointment could be reflected poorer childrearing, which would be harmful to the child." Said an anonymous debater. I think that statement is beyond wrong, because if you wanted a girl and got a boy big deal just try again. The other thing I disagree with that is that they will treat it poorly. If they do they deserve to die in prison because that is cruel and how child abuse starts. And if any of you know me then you will know I hate child abuse. In genetic screening if the baby has signs of a birth defect then they could abort it and that is just as bad as murder in my opinion. Just give the child a chance you never know they could live to be the next Nobel Peace Prize winner, President, even if they don't you would love that child as if it was, wouldn't you? I know I would.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My argument on Corpraol Punishment
I am strongly against corporal punishment. Not only is it illegal, but it is sick and wrong. Some might refer to the Old Testament in he Bible mainly in Proverbs, that states. "He who spareth his rod hateth his son, but he who loveth him is chasteneth him betimes," But in the New Testament when Jesus Died on the cross for our sins was all the corporal punishment anyone should ever have. Now I know this is about corporal punishment on children, but in my opinion, that would just make kids want to be alone or afraid to speak up in fear of being hit. I know someone who grew up with corporal punishment and she now keeps to herself as much as possible, because she is afraid she is going to get hit. Now I agree with corporal punishment along the lines of discipline at home only, just not in school. In sync with the comment about in the house is because it will teach a lesson, but only do it if you have given them two warnings. On the second warning show them "the paddle", hand,or whatever would be used. Mainly because on the second warning if you show them they will obey.
Friday, November 9, 2007
My Place To Get Away

A place I can go and just be myself and not worry about having to fit in would have to be Corban College. I love being there because they all love me for me and not because they feel sorry for me. I remember my first time there it was Halloween last year. Everyone was so friendly I almost thought I was in a dream. Ever sense then I go there all the time. Fridays are my main Corban days. I can't wait for every Friday to come so I can go and have the best time of my life.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Where would I Go On A road Trip?

Well I would fly to Maine and from there rent a car. Afterwards, I would go to each and every state and stopping in any and all historic landmarks and cities. All I know is that I want to travel at some point in my life. Before I go I will find out any and all living relatives I have around the U.S.A and go and visit them. After I drive from Maine back to Washington I will apply for a passport. After I get my passport I will go though Oregon and down into California. After Cali I will drive back up through Oregon and Washington then into Canada. I will stay a few days in Canada then drive to Alaska. Once in a Alaska for a will go to Hawaii on a Ferry. Afterwards, you would think my trip would be over but, not yet. I will send the car back to Maine then from Hawaii fly to Europe. From there I believe I will live for a few years then I will start traveling again to all the other continents. Then when I die, all my money will go to my friends and family to fly them out to wherever I died. I want everyone to get some of my ashes then all the rest to be thrown into the nearest Ocean so I can stay traveling after I die.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
My favortie Place I Have traveled

My favorite place I traveled has been Disneyland in Anaheim, California. I have been twice but my second time was by far my favorite. This was because of who I went with. We drove this time because my dad is afraid of flying. Don't get me wrong driving was the best part because I got to spend a lot of time with my father. We got to see so many beautiful land spaces and houses. Now the whole trip there was not the most fun. I am terribly afraid of bridges and my dad made sure we swerved on every bridge. Disneyland was amazing, I love the rides and just the surroundings. I love how the princesses and all the other characters are not judgmental and they just love there job. I love Disneyland so much that if I could I would live there forever.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Where In The world Does Kelsey want To Go

Well to answer that question it would have to be Antarctica. Mainly because I want to go some place mysterious, and beautiful. The other main reason I want to go there is because my all time favorite animal lives there. The Penguin, and I would love to live with penguins and learn how they live in person up close and personal. My favorite types of penguins are White-Flippered penguin. This species is the 2nd smallest species. My other favorite species it the Southern Rockhopper. To have a better view of what kind this is watch Happy Feet and Lovelace is a Southern Rockhopper. Those are my two favorite types of Penguins.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Who I Would Want To Be Me In A Movie Of My Life
I would want Miley Cirus to act as me in a movie about my life. The story would be about how my life drastically changed when I was in the 6th grade, and my mom would not let me go to my grandfathers funeral. That is when I started getting depressed and gaining weight. Then it would take off into my moms and mine arguments everyday, and what I am going through now with being heavier then most girls these days. I feel Miley would do great in that part because she takes her character in whatever she does and makes it work for her. Also she will hopefully show me that I can be big and beautiful. So below is a video of different clips from Hannah Montana. They show her bubbly personality and thats why I love her. it is parts of the study-udy- udy episode and it is really funny because it is just the Bone Dance.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
My Favorite Animated Film

I would have to say that Sleeping Beauty would be my favorite because I love the whole story behind it. It's really hard for me to describe why I like it, but, Aurora is my favorite princess, and Maleficent is my favorite evil Disney character. I would have to say it might be because they are both in the same movie that it's my favorite. The video is my favorite part of the movie once upon a dream.
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